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Phone Systems

Technology is evolving at a faster pace than ever before. To keep up, desktop telephones need to evolve to meet the ever-changing demands of today's workforce. Sound Insight offers a one-stop solution for your business and residential communication needs.

NEC Systems office phones


NEC has been a Information and Communications Technology (ICT) leader in operation for 120 years, NEC is committed to bringing together and integrating its technology and expertise to create the ICT-enabled society of tomorrow. NEC is enabling new approaches in how Communications and IT services are delivered and managed so organizations can operate more safely and efficiently including delivering more engaging customer experiences.

Desktop office phones


Despite the increased reliance on mobile devices, desktop telephones remain at the hub of business communications. But to stay relevant the traditional desktop telephone must integrate and evolve to meet the ever-changing demands of today's workforce. This means maximum deployment flexibility that supports a wide range of applications to improve employee overall performance and be customizable to specific communication needs, including access to desktop and mobile functionality.

Wireless office phones


With our mobile handsets and on-site phones employees no longer need to remain at their desk to respond to requests and to get their work done. Regarding of where they are on-site employees have total control over how, when and where to be reached for improved responsiveness to colleagues and customers alike.